Friday, September 10, 2010


I spent a night in Copenhagen on the way to Prague and while walking around the area I stumbled on some dougs playin' ball on this sweet neighborhood court...

... so I asked to play. I was able to get some shots up, get a bit of a run in, and talk some NBA. It was just what I needed at the time.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Homeland (Helsingborg, Sweden)

I spent a night in Helsingborg on my way back down south. My great grandma Ellen was born here in 1887 (100 years before I was born), I thought it was pretty cool that I got the chance to check it out...

...And I ended up sleeping under the stars

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The "Hut"

We were so fortunate to have Marit and Jarl take us to their "Hut" for a night. It was one of those experiences that tourists aren't supposed to have, ya know, and we felt so lucky to get the chance...Anyway, I say "Hut" because thats what they call it but I use quotations because its much more than just a hut. Its more a cabin with the perfect balance of simplicity and technology, both primitive and modern. Jarl calls it his paradise and I got see and experience many of the reasons why I believe he feels that way. We borrowed rubber boots to hike to the "Hut" because without them our feet would have been drenched with even minimal steps in the sloshy, saturated sponge-like  terrrain. We hiked around the nordmarka, the forested area north of Oslo,  that afternoon and ate our packed lunches atop a hill will wonderful 360 degree views. That night Marit and Jarl prepared a grubbin' meal for us and we heard the history and saw pictures of the old and new "Huts." The old one actually burnt down around 4 years ago and they lost everything! The story is scary, sad, and amazing all at the same time and now they have their new "Hut" to continue to make memories. I slept in my own room with a double bed and slept under my huge down comforter with the window open, breathing in the crisp mountain air. It must have been the best night's sleep throughout the whole trip.

The "Hut"

A view from lunch on our hike

A path through the marsh-like terrain

Monday, September 6, 2010

National Champs

Tipperary 4-17 (29) Killkenny 1-18 (21)


Saturday, September 4, 2010


Today Marit & Jarl took us on a day trip to Oslo to see some of the sights. It was great to learn about some of Norway's history and its culture. Here is some of the things we saw:

Holmenkollen Ski Jump
(everyone skis here)

View from the top of a hill,
looking down on the fjord and Olso

Frustrated little boy
(everyone's favorite in a park full of statues)

The Fram
its been to the North and South Poles, quite an amazing ship
(now they've built a museum around it)

Viking Ship
(its hard to take pictures of the ships that are inside rooms)

Norwegian Home

Currently Joe and I are living with Marit & Jarl Gulla (relatives of Joe) in the Spetal community near Fredrikstad, Norway. I say that we are living here, not because it will be too much longer than any other stay we have had, but rather because we have been welcomed into a home. It has truly been a blessing to feel so welcome. We definitely needed this. So far they have spoiled us; feeding us, taking us around Fredrikstad, feeding us again. We could not ask for anything more.

In Fredrikstad, we were able to see the Fortress, which what is now referred to as Old Town. It is a uniquely star shaped fort surrounded by water and then grass hills, both for defense purposes, as the town lies on the mouth of an important (rather long) river. Here is a picture on a map:

We went through a museum within the fort and then walked around the top of the hill for some ways around. Although it was quite different than the forts back home, I felt a similar feeling to that of walking around Fort Nisqually back home when I was younger. That night after an amazing dinner of balls (actually called balls and literally balls made from fish and potatoes), we took a walk around the community and to the marina where they have a boat (hopefully we will get to go out on it). There was a wonderfully crisp night with a beautiful sunset.

And then back home to our cozy beds...

35 Hours & 50 Minutes of Travel

We had quite the journey from Barcelona, Spain to Fredrikstad, Norway:

     Barcelona (Franca) to Montpellier (St. Roch) 8:45 - 13:22

     Montpellier (St. Roch) to Paris (Lyon) 14:21 - 17:49

     Paris (Lyon) to Paris (Est)

     Paris (Est) to Frankfurt (Hbf) 19:05 - 22:58

     Frankfurt (Hbf) to Hamburg (Hbf) 23:24 - 6:51

     Hamburg (Hbf) to Copenhagen 7:25 - 12:11

This is our train on the ferry!

     Copenhagen to Göteborg Central 13:23 - 17:17

     Göteborg Central to Fredrikstad  17: 45 - 20:35

7 trains! It is a blessing to have made it as planned!