Thursday, November 18, 2010

Paint Club Battle Tour

Joe and I went to get a beer at a bar in the old Jewish quarter before he had to catch his train and found this sweet place:

It had an interior courtyard and and lots of indoor rooms with varying atmospheres, but there was a rustic/grungy feel to whole place that I thought was very unique and comfortable. I wish all the other dougs were there with Joe and I, I think it was our kind of place. Anyway, Joe and I drank some beer but had to rush out so that Joe could make his train. As we were leaving, I noticed a flyer describing an "urban art battle" to be held that very night... I would return.

For those of you that don't know, I really like/appreciate/enjoy urban art, such as graffiti. Anyway, I went back to the bar for the battle later that night still not completely sure what it would be like. It started slow but turned out to be a very unique and cool experience. In short, there is a group of young adults from Germany touring Europe and organizing "battles" between local urban artists for each town they visit. It varies a bit for each location, but for Budapest it was two teams of two (the Post-Popular-Painters Vs. the Three-Headed Giraffe). They had 90 minutes to interpret the topic of "Hospital," choosen at random by yours truly. I got to know most of the crew and even helped a couple of them with their English. It was a great night. Here are some pictures:


1 comment:

  1. You can find more impressions on the official website of the PAINT CLUB:

    Next year the guys of CROMATICS from Germany want to start a further tour through whole Europe.
