Sunday, August 1, 2010

Carpe Diem

This is out of chronological order but I forgot I wanted to mention it quickly because I think it is pretty cool... Anyway, Joe and I were on our way to meet the guys in Gimmelwald and we had to transfer trains in Köln, Deutschland (Cologne, Germany). It was late and we hadn't gotten much sleep on the previous train, needless to say, we weren't in the most adventureous mood, in fact, we were thinking we might just stay in the station and try to rest. We didn't do that though. We went for it. "The city is right there, let's walk around for a bit." And as we walk out the door we see this...

... a bohemoth cathedral. It is so big, the pictures don't even capture the magnitude and shear size of it. I just thought is was cool that we almost didn't even go outside... SEIZE THE DAY

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zach:
    Great pictures, sounds like you're having a great trip. I couldn't find a phone number for Ced but I emailed him and he said he couldn't house you and your friends because his house isn't finished and his parents have guests. He is hoping to at least be able to meet up with you in Paris before he heads to the south of France on vacation. The best way to contact him is by his email. Safe travels. Rene
