Monday, August 30, 2010

El Millor Dia

My first full day in Barcelona may very well be the best day I have had in Europe. We (Eney and I) saw experienced a lot, but not too much. We did not feel the typical tourism exhuastion that we have had during and after other long days. The day started out around 11 am (sleeping in probably helped with the fatigue factor) when we headed out to la Plaza de Toros Monumental (Barcelona´s Bullring). Our goal, in our minds distant yet achievable, was to get tickets to the bullfight that night, which was far easier than we expected. We were so jacked that we would actually get to see one after failing to even get the opportunity in the other Spanish cities. Tickets in hand and excitement all around, we set out to kill some time before returning to see the controversial tradition. The closest thing that was circled on our map (things we wanted to see) was the Sagrada Família. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. This church has been under construction since 1882 and is, in my opinion, not even close be being finished, although there is an estimated completion year of 2026. The architecture (by Gaudí) is amazingly unique and intricate, from the supporting columns to the stained glass. It is so different from all the other massive churches and cathedrals I have seen here. I would love to have the opportunity to come back at some point in my life to see it completed.

Tree-like columns and palm-like ceiling

Beautiful stained glass

4 of the 8 towers that are complete (view from other towers)
Construction on the roof for the Central Spire of Jesus Christ
It will be 170 meters (approx. 560 ft) high!

Then back to la Plaza de Toros Monumental for the bull fight. More on this in the next blog but here´s a picture.

What better way to cap the day off with Barcelona´s water fountain version of fireworks. A 15 minute show consisting of constantly changing colors and shapes set to classical music (seriously like fireworks). I was impressed.

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